---- Our Story with a bad contractor ----

This is my story with a bad contractor and what you should and should not do.
My full story will be coming soon! When we get out of court!

Author: Home Owner
•4:05 PM

5.01 Contractor's Performance

The performance of the contractor is measured by two criteria:

  1. Whether the contractor performed the work according to the plans and specifications, and
  2. Whether the contractor compled the work within the time specified in the contract plus any extensions of time authorized by change orders. 
Author: Home Owner
•3:57 PM
Author: Home Owner
•3:04 PM


1.  Hire only state-licensed contractors. 

2.  Check a contractor’s license number online at www.cslb.ca.gov or by calling (800) 321-CSLB (2752). 

3.  Get at least three bids. 

4.  Get three references from each bidder and review past work in person. 

5.  Make sure all project expectations are in writing and only sign the contract if you completely understand the terms. 

6.  Confirm that the contractor has workers’ compensation insurance for employees. 

7.  Never pay more than 10% down or $1,000, whichever is less. Don’t pay in cash. 

8.  Don’t let payments get ahead of the work. 

9.  Keep a job file of all papers relating to your project, including all payments. 

10. Don’t make the final payment until you’re satisfied with the job.