---- Our Story with a bad contractor ----

This is my story with a bad contractor and what you should and should not do.
My full story will be coming soon! When we get out of court!

Author: Home Owner
•7:58 PM

Some important things you really want to do before you hire a contractor to do anything on your home! This is very vital to protect yourself so that you do not end up with a nightmare from HELL!

  • First thing you want to do is go to the Contractors State License Board in California.

  • Check the status of your contractor here: Query by Contractor License Number.

  • Make sure you get references and call all of them up. You may even want to check out the work if the home owner will allow you to.

  • Make sure you ask to see your contractors contractor card!!! And check to see if his or her name is on it!!

  • Make sure you ask to see his or her drivers license to verify that you are dealing with the same person!!

  • Make sure your contractor has his or her name on all proposals & contracts typed out so that you can have record of his typed name!!

  • Make sure your contractor has his or her signed name above his or her typed name on the proposal and contracts!!

  • Make sure everything is in writing, even if it is something that was over looked during the proposal stage!!
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