---- Our Story with a bad contractor ----

This is my story with a bad contractor and what you should and should not do.
My full story will be coming soon! When we get out of court!

Author: Home Owner
•7:41 PM

A contract is a legal agreement between two or more people. A written agreement is one of the most important communication tools for both the contractor and consumer. It insures there are no misunderstandings about what a job will include. A thorough contract tells how the work will be done, when it will be done, what materials will be used and how much it will cost.

In California, there must be a written contract for all home improvement projects over $500. By law, that contract must include specific information about your rights and responsibilities. This Contractors State License Board (CSLB) brochure outlines the information for you.

A home improvement contract and any changes made to that contract must be in writing, be legible, be easy to understand, and inform the consumer of their rights to cancel or rescind the contract. If you are promised something orally make sure that it is included in writing.

Disagreements over home improvement projects can cost time and money. Besides producing bad feelings, they can also lead to lawsuits or other legal action. A well-written contract prevents that.
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